The business case for remote working and VR workplace training post COVID-19

With the Coronavirus outbreak still bringing worldwide travel bans, self-isolation and curfews across the globe, technologies that facilitate working from home are booming

This gives us a glimpse into the logical evolution of our working week including collaborative virtual reality training and office spaces.

Remote working continues for most businesses with no signs of offices re-opening. The perception of remote working being about pyjamas, procrastination and daytime TV is changing.

Collaborative online tools are now facilitating new ways to communicate, share ideas and work together as a team.

Is the future virtual?

With the benefits of remote working clear to see, the next logical step is to make virtual office space truly virtual. The development of VR collaboration tools, such as Future Visual’s VISIONxR, offer businesses game-changing opportunities for remote teams to collaborate and communicate together and take advantage of the benefits of VR training for employees.


Immersive technologies have broader applications for businesses than simply facilitating home working.

Developing employee skills

VR for industrial training has the potential to transform the way that a range of businesses develop employee skills by creating collaborative, safe and realistic training spaces that give teams the chance to learn and practice new skills together in a way that’s not always possible in the real world.

The Coronavirus outbreak has highlighted that businesses need to prepare more effectively for unforeseen events and uncontrollable environments through strategically planning and investing in alternative working practices.

Effective alternatives

By embracing the creation of virtual working worlds, businesses can address these issues by providing viable and effective alternatives to physical working and learning spaces.

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