COINS-mobile has launched mTick, a tick sheet app that enables surveyors to carry out paperless site valuations accurately without having to return to the office. Updated valuation data is automatically transferred to the surveyor’s back end system via a direct mobile link, making it an extremely time-efficient tool. It also eliminates the possibility of errors that rekeying of information can bring and allows the QS to focus on his key tasks as opposed to administration.
Available for both Android and iOS based mobile devices, mTick allows the user to view the value of a plot or site against current pay stages, in near real time. This is because the data stored on mobile devices can be sent back to COINS or other system as soon as a mobile connection is established, so that accurate forecasts against budget can be provided and confident decisions made about pay stages.
mTick is full of functionality, providing surveyors with all the site information they need from maps and directions to plot details such as materials (including photographs and notes), cost period and payments. Data can be entered or edited to prove the value of the site at any one point in time and there is even an area where surveyors can manage their own workload by creating a to do’ list.
Implementing mTick can help improve the efficiency of the valuations process, saving money whilst minimising errors and improving subcontractor payment assessments. Andrew Davies, Sales Director for COINS-mobile says: “mTick is a great time saving tool for surveyors. By accurately recordingsite valuations against jobs, it gives them a more complete picture of profitability and can help with both management and payment decisions.”